We've all had our suspicions about the way dealers are evaluated when it comes time to decide if they pass probation or not. Well, I sent my highly-paid spy on a mission to find out. The following evaluation form was stolen from a locked file cabinet somewhere in the bowels of the shift manager's office at an unnamed Las Vegas casino. I hope you're grateful, this cost me a case of Milwaukee's Best...
This form is for use by casino management in the evaluation of a craps dealer, in order to determine whether the dealer meets the standards of service for your casino.
It is understood that the company using this form wishes to funnel its "high roller" customers from its lower end properties to the higher end casinos. Using the criteria set forth in this form will help insure a standard of service at the lower end properties that will discourage high roller play, and encourage the players to take their action to more upscale casino owned by the company.
Dealer has a high level of game knowledge, both of place and come bets, as well as being able to pay prop bets accurately and can handle a busy game with a high level of action Has good cheque-handling ability, payoffs are accurate, clean and easy to read-
4 points
Dealer has good game knowledge, but often has difficulty handling "stroke bets" Can handle bigger money action if there aren't too many players. Hands are pretty good. Payoffs are accurate, but sometimes hard to read.-
3 points
Dealer has basic knowledge of odds and payoff, but cannot handle any real action. Handles cheques like 20 pound lead weights.
2 points
Dealer couldn’t deal his/her way out of a wet paper bag if you tore a hole in it.
1 point
Booking Bets
Dealer repeats all bets accurately, including the exact dollar amount of the bet, amount given by the player, amount of change, and whether player’s money is being used. Dealer also repeats all player actions such as pressing bets, or taking bets down.
4 points
Dealer repeats bets and amount of change given, but does not use exact dollar amounts. Does not repeat player actions such as presses.
3 points
Dealer repeats only the amount of the bet,
2 Points
You gonna book that bet, dealer?
1 point
When on base, dealer endeavors to help book proposition bets for the stickman as far as possible. He/she books bets in exact dollar amounts and by position. Also assists the stickman in calculating payoffs for difficult combinations of prop "stroke" bets.
4 points
Dealer helps book prop bets, but doesn’t give exact dollar amounts or player position unless the stickman requests this information. Usually makes some effort at helping with payoffs on stroke bets.
3 points
Dealer repeats the bets, but refuses to give player positions until the stickman has asked for the third or fourth time, then rolls eyes and answers in a surly tone of voice. Does not assist with difficult payoffs.
2 points
Cocksucker refuses to help book prop bets, tells the stickman to "ask the players" when asked what a bet is or who it belongs to, then bitches about the amount of time it takes for the stickman to get the players' attention in order to find out what bet belongs to who. Ridicules and insults the stickman if he/she gets stuck on stroke bets in order to cover for the fact that he/she doesn't know what it pays either.
1 point
Customer Service
Dealer greets all customers as they approach the game. Cheerfully wishes them "Good Luck" when giving the player their cheques after buying in. Does his/her best to help novice players understand the rules of the game, odds, payoffs, etc. Does little "extras" like handing off all last come bets, and resetting come bets for players if there is time. Is very friendly, and tries to make sure all players are having a good time.
4 points
Dealer does not greet players at they approach the game, still cheerfully wishes them "good luck". Helps novice players keep correct odds. Only gives "extra" service to high rollers and known Georges. Is generally polite and friendly.
3 points
Dealer wishes players "good luck", doesn’t sound like they mean it. Does not help novice players at all. Is not friendly with the players but stops short of actually being rude.
2 points
"What, ya mean I’m supposed to smile at these assholes?"
1 point
General Attitude
Dealer seems to take pride in his/her work. Genuinely enjoys dealing with both coworkers and customers. Follows all directives of box and floor people, and seeks advice on how to improve his/her skills and customer service.
4 points
Dealer does job correctly, but does not really seem to want to excel. Is generally cooperative with coworkers and polite to customers, but not terribly enthusiastic. Follows directives of box and floorpeople, but does not seek to improve skills or service.
3 points
Dealer’s job performance is marginal and he/she doesn't really give a damn.. Seems to regard coworkers and customers as annoyances to be fairly tolerated. Often argues with box and floorpeople.
2 points
Dealer thinks the sun shines out of his/her asshole, and lets everybody know it.
1 point.
Grading Scale
17 to 20 points- Dealer does not meet this casino’s standards of service, and is unlikely to lower his/her own personal standards sufficiently to do so. Recommend termination
13 to 16 points- Dealer does not meet the standards of service, but with a program of unfounded reprimands and contradictory instructions by supervisory personnel, he/she may fall into line. Recommend probation be extended an additional 30 days.
9 to 12 points. Dealer meets the standards of service. This is the kind of dealer this casino wants- marginal ability, good enough to keep the flea circus running, but bad enough to chase the high-rollers to one of the company's more upscale properties. Recommend that the dealer be retained as a permanent employee of this casino.
4 to 8 points. Dealer exceeds the standards of service. Recommend that he/she be promoted to management as soon as possible.
This form is for use by casino management in the evaluation of a craps dealer, in order to determine whether the dealer meets the standards of service for your casino.
It is understood that the company using this form wishes to funnel its "high roller" customers from its lower end properties to the higher end casinos. Using the criteria set forth in this form will help insure a standard of service at the lower end properties that will discourage high roller play, and encourage the players to take their action to more upscale casino owned by the company.
Dealer has a high level of game knowledge, both of place and come bets, as well as being able to pay prop bets accurately and can handle a busy game with a high level of action Has good cheque-handling ability, payoffs are accurate, clean and easy to read-
4 points
Dealer has good game knowledge, but often has difficulty handling "stroke bets" Can handle bigger money action if there aren't too many players. Hands are pretty good. Payoffs are accurate, but sometimes hard to read.-
3 points
Dealer has basic knowledge of odds and payoff, but cannot handle any real action. Handles cheques like 20 pound lead weights.
2 points
Dealer couldn’t deal his/her way out of a wet paper bag if you tore a hole in it.
1 point
Booking Bets
Dealer repeats all bets accurately, including the exact dollar amount of the bet, amount given by the player, amount of change, and whether player’s money is being used. Dealer also repeats all player actions such as pressing bets, or taking bets down.
4 points
Dealer repeats bets and amount of change given, but does not use exact dollar amounts. Does not repeat player actions such as presses.
3 points
Dealer repeats only the amount of the bet,
2 Points
You gonna book that bet, dealer?
1 point
When on base, dealer endeavors to help book proposition bets for the stickman as far as possible. He/she books bets in exact dollar amounts and by position. Also assists the stickman in calculating payoffs for difficult combinations of prop "stroke" bets.
4 points
Dealer helps book prop bets, but doesn’t give exact dollar amounts or player position unless the stickman requests this information. Usually makes some effort at helping with payoffs on stroke bets.
3 points
Dealer repeats the bets, but refuses to give player positions until the stickman has asked for the third or fourth time, then rolls eyes and answers in a surly tone of voice. Does not assist with difficult payoffs.
2 points
Cocksucker refuses to help book prop bets, tells the stickman to "ask the players" when asked what a bet is or who it belongs to, then bitches about the amount of time it takes for the stickman to get the players' attention in order to find out what bet belongs to who. Ridicules and insults the stickman if he/she gets stuck on stroke bets in order to cover for the fact that he/she doesn't know what it pays either.
1 point
Customer Service
Dealer greets all customers as they approach the game. Cheerfully wishes them "Good Luck" when giving the player their cheques after buying in. Does his/her best to help novice players understand the rules of the game, odds, payoffs, etc. Does little "extras" like handing off all last come bets, and resetting come bets for players if there is time. Is very friendly, and tries to make sure all players are having a good time.
4 points
Dealer does not greet players at they approach the game, still cheerfully wishes them "good luck". Helps novice players keep correct odds. Only gives "extra" service to high rollers and known Georges. Is generally polite and friendly.
3 points
Dealer wishes players "good luck", doesn’t sound like they mean it. Does not help novice players at all. Is not friendly with the players but stops short of actually being rude.
2 points
"What, ya mean I’m supposed to smile at these assholes?"
1 point
General Attitude
Dealer seems to take pride in his/her work. Genuinely enjoys dealing with both coworkers and customers. Follows all directives of box and floor people, and seeks advice on how to improve his/her skills and customer service.
4 points
Dealer does job correctly, but does not really seem to want to excel. Is generally cooperative with coworkers and polite to customers, but not terribly enthusiastic. Follows directives of box and floorpeople, but does not seek to improve skills or service.
3 points
Dealer’s job performance is marginal and he/she doesn't really give a damn.. Seems to regard coworkers and customers as annoyances to be fairly tolerated. Often argues with box and floorpeople.
2 points
Dealer thinks the sun shines out of his/her asshole, and lets everybody know it.
1 point.
Grading Scale
17 to 20 points- Dealer does not meet this casino’s standards of service, and is unlikely to lower his/her own personal standards sufficiently to do so. Recommend termination
13 to 16 points- Dealer does not meet the standards of service, but with a program of unfounded reprimands and contradictory instructions by supervisory personnel, he/she may fall into line. Recommend probation be extended an additional 30 days.
9 to 12 points. Dealer meets the standards of service. This is the kind of dealer this casino wants- marginal ability, good enough to keep the flea circus running, but bad enough to chase the high-rollers to one of the company's more upscale properties. Recommend that the dealer be retained as a permanent employee of this casino.
4 to 8 points. Dealer exceeds the standards of service. Recommend that he/she be promoted to management as soon as possible.